New Systems is a simple approach to communication.
The history of the brand originates from 2003 in the Silicon Valley as well as most of the Internet projects of that time. California is multinational, like all the United States of America. A group of young specialists in the field of communications and computer technologies from different countries of the world launched an up-to-date project of inexpensive and convenient international communication services.
New Systems inc. – has become one of the most popular and affordable telephone companies in California. The project has long gone beyond Sacramento, the capital of California, providing communication services in 50 states of America, and today in other countries of the world.
Special thanks for financial and technical support to our partners:
Our business angels and organizations such as: Opening Doors Finance (California), Ukrainian Credit Union (California), Bank Capital One (California), Frontier Telecom USA; Integra Telecom, USA; Globalbank England; Tario Telecom, Russia; Ukrtelecom, Ukraine and specialists of OOO Beltelecom, Russia.
Why are we better?
A successful product is a product that you use yourself. Our product is constantly used by creators!